on 13 Aug, 2014.
Realitas: Tipu-tipu Harta Warisan Bung Karno (Green Hilton Agreement)
HL | 18 August 2014 | 17:58Review by
Arnold Adoe.
Reality: Deceit surrounding Soekarno's Heritage Treasure (Green Hilton Agreement)
- aired on MetroTV on 11 Aug, 2014.
18 August 2014 | 17:58

Green Hilton Agreement (sbrgbr: 4bpblogspot)
Tanda tangan Soekarno dan John F.Keneddy, Palsu (sbrgbr:wp)
(signature of Soekarno & John F Kennedy, Fake)
Just a few months ago, I read a posting from a
Facebook friend about the late Soekarno's Heritage Treasure amounting
to 57,000 tons of gold, held as debt security by the US government,
agreed to as loan by the Indonesian government in the Green
Hilton Memorial Agreement. It is my personal opinion at this time,
questions remain whether this is true.
This afternoon while drinking coffee and eating fried bananas, I watched a reality show on Metro TV. Interesting show which discussed the deceit surrounding Soekarno's Heritage Treasure (Green Hilton Agreement). Why deceitful? Because Team Realista bring to light (realise), many people are still deceived (believed in) the "hidden treasure".
Sukmawati Sukarnoputri (none other than the daughter of Soekarno) appeared at the beginning of the show. Sukma said, “internally, the family did not believe in the existence of Soekarno's Heritage Treasure. But got interested because the Realista Team also interviewed a white Canadian by the name of Neil Keenan. Neil travelled back & forth to Indonesia with the intention of helping the Indonesian people release the “Soekarno's Heritage Treasure” which is thought to be as much as Indonesia's National Budget for 9 years. ..waowww ...
Neil Keenan said he is sure he had already gotten the agreement from the mandate holder, Haji Seno. Who, according to Neil, is seriously sick with diabetes. Neil said he will not publicly disclose all if it is not done behind closed doors. Anyone we know?.. hehehe (The Relista Team did not reveal who Haji Seno is because Neil Keenan also want to keep that secret).
The story of the Soekarno's Heritage Treasure became more intriguing when connected to the assassination of President John F Kennedy that happened after the agreement. It became increasingly difficult to trace these treasures (Heritage Treasure). Sukmawati Sukarnoputri, said she had personally seen the document but doubtful (of its authenticity) because the signature on the document is not and not the same as her father's signature.
On the other hand, Sri Margana, Historian from UGM (Universitat Gada Mada?) said perhaps the meeting with John F Kennedy could happen but he doubted if there is money or Indonesian assets surrendered or invested because of the still messy (deteriorating) situation in Indonesia at that time. But if the “said money (fund)” is American owned and Soekarno was the organizer for the revolution in Indonesia, then it is possible. (so from ancient times we also had been betrayed, isn't it sir? ... waduhh) ..
Isn't that Heritage Treasure the result of accumulation from past government (kingdom) in Indonesia for war purposes? Interesting, because the Realista Team at the time of meeting KRT Jatiningrat, Yogyakarta Royal Palace spokesman , KRT Jatiningrat affirmed that Sri Sultan HB IX had surrendered kilograms of gold to Sukarno for the war necessities (expenses). But not the same amount (not as much as) as that documented; 91 million kg, only 6 million kg given. Rewarded (reciprocated) with gratitude and the low level of voice (low key acknowledgement / response) by Soekarno (such as read by KRT JAtiningrat in the documents written by the palace.)
Suwarno, one of the most mysterious names because Suwarno who was born in Yogyakarta, is one of Soekarno's trusted men, managing Soekarno assets. Tugiyat, head of Dukuh Wadas, Sleman, said he had heard of the name Suwarno and had been sought by two persons regarded as paranormal (psychics). The psychics said that Suwarno is the primary key to the treasure (Soekarno's Heritage Treasure), but unfortunately Suwarno have “gone missing” when approached for an interview. Anyone any knowledge? The Realitas Team also did not complete discussing Suwarno (was unable to interview Suwarno).
Another Gusti Mung, an insider in the Keraton (royal palace) Surakarta, clearly (unambiguously) told stories of frauds made against his relatives / family and especially himself. There were some who offered the keys to unlock the locker directly in the Bank in Switzerland. ..hehehe.
Then, there is also a swindler who was caught as a result of cooperation across regional police (because the person was from Jakarta), not anything (nothing significant – sarcasm intended), because Pakubuwono (Surakarta) is a relative of Sri Sultan HB IX, thought to be directly involved in the Heritage assets 'transaction'. Tragically, just last month, some relatives of the royal palace were scammed up to 200 million. At the end of the interview, Gus Mung urged not to trust anyone again.
At the end of the interview with Sukmawati Sukarnoputri, logically speaking, her family think that if the Bank was authorized to transact on behalf of Sukarno, then after Sukarno's death, the Swiss bank should contact the family but no (nothing) ... (true too ... hehehe)
What does the Embassy say in Switzerland ? at the end of the show, the Realitas Team exhibited an official letter from KBRI Swiss (Swiss Embassy) which stated that they had not found any legal documented evidence and official verbal …. (voice recording) to pursue the matter any further.
Until the end of the show, it is totally obvious,
the nuance of lies (deceit), is much thicker and murkier. Clear
fraud. This cheating (Fraud) should not be allowed to happen again.
My conclusion is 99% lies (deceit) and 1% possibility of truth when
the matter “runs its
course” (goes beyond the runway - literal
translation). That's my opinion after watching the show. Don't
you think so?
Kompasiana - Citizens' Media.
Kompasiana - Citizens' Media.
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