- Mahathir M.
What does it take to see the light? Too many people asking the same question. So here's a compilation of what have been available in the cyberspace. Some has been around for several years. Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. But none is more blind than those who refuse to see. These are their own words (nothing edited).
Richard says:
Hi Jean,
I have to say I am really disappointed to see this video on your web site. I see no credible information given to support the claim that David Wilcock is a fraud and his work on “Financial Tyranny” is anything but important breakthrough information.
I have personally met David Wilcock, followed his evolution of thought and understanding for years, and have no doubts in my mind that he is an honest and sincere person, as well as a courageous and brilliant analyst of current events.
Relegating his work as fraud for the purposes of financial gain has absolutely no resonance for me. Much in the same way that I believe in your sincerity and courage, Jean, based on following your comments and postings over the last few years, David Wilcock’s work reminds me every step of the way of a courageous individual’s search to find and share the truth.
I have personally met David Wilcock, followed his evolution of thought and understanding for years, and have no doubts in my mind that he is an honest and sincere person, as well as a courageous and brilliant analyst of current events.
Relegating his work as fraud for the purposes of financial gain has absolutely no resonance for me. Much in the same way that I believe in your sincerity and courage, Jean, based on following your comments and postings over the last few years, David Wilcock’s work reminds me every step of the way of a courageous individual’s search to find and share the truth.
Even if Neil Keenan is a fraud (I really don’t know) the attempt to tar David with the same brush because of their short collaboration seem amateurish to me, and strike me as a concerted attempt by certain forces to discredit real seekers of the truth and confuse those of us who are truly trying to figure out what’s going on.
If you have found any compelling evidence other than lame conjecture that David Wilcock is a fraud, I’d be happy to hear about it.
If you have found any compelling evidence other than lame conjecture that David Wilcock is a fraud, I’d be happy to hear about it.
To those who say:
………….I see no credible information given to support the claim that David Wilcock is a fraud and his work on “Financial Tyranny” is anything but important breakthrough information.
…………..have no doubts in my mind that he is an honest and sincere person, as well as a courageous and brilliant analyst of current events.
………….David Wilcock’s work reminds me every step of the way of a courageous individual’s search to find and share the truth.
……….even if Neil Keenan is a fraud (I really don’t know) the attempt to tar David with the same brush because of their short collaboration seem amateurish to me, and strike me as a concerted attempt by certain forces to discredit real seekers of the truth and confuse those of us who are truly trying to figure out what’s going on.
…………If you have found any compelling evidence other than lame conjecture that David Wilcock is a fraud, I’d be happy to hear about it.
There’s none so blind as one who would not see.
Evidence ….plenty, even before the video by Steve Pollock came out. Do you think Pollock would come out with his video if he wasn’t sure of his facts? I see plenty of Wilcock’s blind faith followers who refused to wake. So afraid their cozy bubbles would burst with the truth.
You want evidence. Go to
The all Fake Naked Emperor Keenan Show
…and you will find how DW twisted facts and events, to weave the friction into palatable history.

keenan wrote
"While the Green Hilton appears to be an innocuous document to read, in its full interpretation it is one of the most profound agreements ever made not only in the 20thcentury, but also in the history of the world because this agreement was made between a US President and the Trustee of the hidden but combined wealth of the world. These assets are not the property of the United States, but centralized assets under the authority of a centralized system, to be used as independently deemed to be for the better benefit of the World."

Read how David Wilcock twisted $300,000 worth of gold bars into $2.8 million by excluding the silver content.
Keenan & Wilcock need not amplify the quantities of gold brought into US, for their own little money making scam. NO.
The need to convince the public of trillion$ of fictitious gold under the Global Collateral Accounts, involves a much larger scam; one where the Cabal and FED can capitalize on. Making Trillion$ out of Fools' Gold.
Keenan, B Fulford, Drake, Thomas Williams & David Wilcock are only a few of the large army of WMDz (whores of mass deception) employed by the Cabal worldwide in every country.
— in Jakarta, Indonesia.Keenan & Wilcock need not amplify the quantities of gold brought into US, for their own little money making scam. NO.
The need to convince the public of trillion$ of fictitious gold under the Global Collateral Accounts, involves a much larger scam; one where the Cabal and FED can capitalize on. Making Trillion$ out of Fools' Gold.
Keenan, B Fulford, Drake, Thomas Williams & David Wilcock are only a few of the large army of WMDz (whores of mass deception) employed by the Cabal worldwide in every country.

you can bullshit all you want but will the shit stick?
0.267 ton of gold got intercepted but 7 destroyers laden with 125,000 tons of gold escaped detection. Who is BF and DW trying to hoodwink?
Even a 5-yr old would question that. — in Jakarta, Indonesia.

Documented evidence DW fudged the data (typical Kabal data massaging). DW simply (erroneously) added all the "Excess (+ve & -ve)" to get the figure $222,385,270 when in actual fact, it was only $143,273,520. Net gain for Nov (5 yrs) is actually 127.32 mt and NOT 203.44 mt. Even the 203.44 mt is wrong calculation. It actually worked out to 197.63 mt. Why did DW consistently inflate the GOLD data?
Obvious that DW tried hard to give credence to Keenan's & Fulford's bullshit of 125,000 mt shipment of gold from China in 7 destroyers. — with Cherie Martin, Denise Rednour,Katherine Eldon and Charles Magus in Jakarta, Indonesia.

"Neil Keenan’s activities related to the collateral accounts (referring to photos that he has discounted in a previous article)
The Takeaway:
In his opinion, neither Neil or Jean are scammers
The Takeaway:
In his opinion, neither Neil or Jean are scammers
Why is there so much emphasis on Neil’s photos? Is he recanting his previous claim that they are bogus?"
Regarding the situation with Neil Keenan, I do not believe he is a con artist. We were all following the story of his upcoming lawsuit with great interest here on Fulford’s blog in 2011, and then it actually did appear, and was highly intricate.
Associates of mine contacted his attorney William Mulligan and there is no doubt that this was a very real and very expensive lawsuit to produce. Ben also was personally involved in some of what happened.
Neil then contacted me and sent me an enormous amount of hard, provable data. This includes a wealth of documents I did not release, due to their sensitivity, as well as a staggering number of photographs of bonds, bond boxes and bond chests of all different sorts.
The Global Collateral Accounts are absolutely real. The bunkers are absolutely real. The gold stored in them is absolutely real. The bonds are real. All of this was independently verified to me by not one, not two, but multiple other insiders. The Joseph Riad case released more images of them.
I have met and spoken with people who have been in the bunkers and described the staggering, staggering amounts of gold in them. These people had described to me, privately, what the bonds looked like, which I had not published, BEFORE Neil sent the pics. By the time I saw them I already knew what to expect.
Since this whole story is indeed real, there are plenty of cases where people get access to these bonds and then attempt to sell them to others at a profit. As I documented in Financial Tyranny, the USG very quietly tries to buy the bonds back, and real criminal penalties occur.

From 1929 - 1934, the largest annual import amounted to only US$112,912,700. This translates to 100.34 mt. Barely 0.08% of the DW-BF's claim of 125,000 mt.
Largest shipment of gold from China (Apr 14,1934) was $941,000 (0.84 mt). Although this was 35.9% of the total gold import for the day, the only country US received gold that day was Canada; at $1.682 mlm (1.5 mt).
So think again. If the largest gold shipment from China on record was $941,000 (0.84mt) on Apr 14, 1934, 3 years before the Sino-Japanese war, could Chiang Kai Shek send 125,000 mt gold when all the major ports were under Japs' military control?
Itemised compilation from DW's apparent research on New York Times report on gold import/exports.
Details of compilation strongly suggest DW twisted the facts in an attempt to substantiate Ben Fulford's bullshit claim that Chiang Kai Shek transferred 125,000 metric tons of gold in 7 US destroyers to US in 1938.
DW's news clippings can be seen at
— in Jakarta, Indonesia.Largest shipment of gold from China (Apr 14,1934) was $941,000 (0.84 mt). Although this was 35.9% of the total gold import for the day, the only country US received gold that day was Canada; at $1.682 mlm (1.5 mt).
So think again. If the largest gold shipment from China on record was $941,000 (0.84mt) on Apr 14, 1934, 3 years before the Sino-Japanese war, could Chiang Kai Shek send 125,000 mt gold when all the major ports were under Japs' military control?
Itemised compilation from DW's apparent research on New York Times report on gold import/exports.
Details of compilation strongly suggest DW twisted the facts in an attempt to substantiate Ben Fulford's bullshit claim that Chiang Kai Shek transferred 125,000 metric tons of gold in 7 US destroyers to US in 1938.
DW's news clippings can be seen at

The original incredulous story of Chiang Kai Shek sending 125,000 tons of gold to the US in 1934 to escape confiscation by the Japanese was first reported by Independent,UK on Oct 28, 2003, covering the trial of Halksworth. Rense.com had a copy of the newspaper report.
Fulford &/or Wilcock had to modify details of the fiction as there were too many holes. Why do they still need to use the story? Eg the year was changed from 1934 to 1938.
Investors' confidence were seriously undermined by the Halksworth's trial. There were not enough officially recorded gold in history to account for the trillions of quality (fake 1934) bonds being used as collateral for lines of bank credit.
The FED and US govt controlled by Cabal Banksters were caught in a bind. In the trial, their FBI and British agents all testified that there no genuine Fed Reserve notes from 1934. If trillions of loans & lines of credit (backed by these multi-billion 1934 fake bonds) were recalled, the world would have been thrown into an irreversible financial turmoil.
While the FED, Alan Greenspan & Cabal Banksters could pacify and assured key major investors & foreign govts in closed doors meetings, public confidence in the US dollars would be more difficult to instill unless stories of "black gold (not on official records)" in enormous (read insane) quantities can be spread around the globe, convincingly. That was the job for super-conmen aka WMDz (whores of mass deception) like Fulford, Wilcock, Drake, Keenan & co.
(abstract from the article (in prep, coming soon): David Wilcock- another Cabal's WMDz.
— in Jakarta, Indonesia.Fulford &/or Wilcock had to modify details of the fiction as there were too many holes. Why do they still need to use the story? Eg the year was changed from 1934 to 1938.
Investors' confidence were seriously undermined by the Halksworth's trial. There were not enough officially recorded gold in history to account for the trillions of quality (fake 1934) bonds being used as collateral for lines of bank credit.
The FED and US govt controlled by Cabal Banksters were caught in a bind. In the trial, their FBI and British agents all testified that there no genuine Fed Reserve notes from 1934. If trillions of loans & lines of credit (backed by these multi-billion 1934 fake bonds) were recalled, the world would have been thrown into an irreversible financial turmoil.
While the FED, Alan Greenspan & Cabal Banksters could pacify and assured key major investors & foreign govts in closed doors meetings, public confidence in the US dollars would be more difficult to instill unless stories of "black gold (not on official records)" in enormous (read insane) quantities can be spread around the globe, convincingly. That was the job for super-conmen aka WMDz (whores of mass deception) like Fulford, Wilcock, Drake, Keenan & co.
(abstract from the article (in prep, coming soon): David Wilcock- another Cabal's WMDz.
- Jean, keep up the great work!As far as David Wilcock, just look at his track record. He has been on the internet scene since 1998. Back then he had a website by the name of ascension2000.com where he said that we would all ascend in the year 2000. This is when all the Y2K fear porn was everywhere and his predictions failed.Not only that but he was involved with the Edgar Cayce Foundation and was kicked out for being what he is, a stooge.He then went to Virginia to join Carla Rueckert who was channeling Ra and the Law of one and she ended up cutting all ties with him.He kept on coming back to the scene but this time claiming to be the reincarnation of Edgar Cayce and hooked up with Wynn Free and co-authored a book with him but Wynn Free also cut ties with David.Now he brings to us the famous Drake and his green light and Neil Keenan and his fraud. If you just look at his track record it speaks for itself. Just go ahead and mention this on his website and you will surely be censored. Enough said!
- Here it is for you peeps who fail to do any research and want to be spoon fed.
- How can this even be commented on if you refuse to examine both sides of the emerging saga? Is that fair? How is it you can criticize Scott Pollack or his information if you don’t even know what it is? Like it or not, David Wilcock vetted and introduced Neil Keenan and Drake to the world in his Financial Tyranny series, so he holds some responsibility in the story unfolding. Mr. Pollack of the Chicago Critical Post, has repeatedly asked for all involved – Wilcock, Keenan, Drake, and Fulford to tell their side of the story… and has been met with complete silence from all four of them. Having made mistakes in the past, David gracefully explained and apologized to his readers as I’m sure you’re aware, being a fan. You did see all the apologies for false information David made on the article
“Top Russian TV Station Exposes Financial Tyranny” by David Wilcock, December 16, 2012 right? Let’s hope this is another situation where he will be able to do that again. His silence so far is not a good indicator however, as the information was posted on his blog weeks ago.