"Three things you can't hide: The Sun, The Moon and The Truth." ~ Buddha.
Monday, January 27, 2014
Vatican's unsuccessful Dove message of peace & love since Pope Benedict XVI
Pope Francis on Sunday prayed for the start of a “constructive dialogue” in Ukraine, releasing two white doves to symbolize the hope for peace. However, the doves were immediately attacked by a crow and a seagull.
Thursday, January 23, 2014
All Wars are Bankers' War - youtube link not allowed
please watch and share. Youtube do not allow posting of links.
Published on Feb 4, 2013
Written and spoken by Michael Rivero. The written version is here:http://whatreallyhappened.com/WRHARTI...
Video by Zane Henry.
This video is in the public domain. The producers have waived their copyright to this video.
Listen to a post production conversation between the producers by clicking on this mp3: https://soundcloud.com/eonitao-state/...
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Video by Zane Henry.
This video is in the public domain. The producers have waived their copyright to this video.
Listen to a post production conversation between the producers by clicking on this mp3: https://soundcloud.com/eonitao-state/...
You are welcome to make copies and to distribute this video freely. A free downloader is available here:http://www.dvdvideosoft.com/products/...
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Saturday, January 18, 2014
Who had weapons Tesla September 11, 2001? Study elements of the global ekotsidno-genocidal program
The search for truth is not done with joy, and with the excitement and anxiety, but still need to look for it because without finding the truth and not love it, you will die.
Blaise Pascal , French mathematician, physicist and philosopher ( 1623-1662 ).
Opening Keely would lead to the acquisition of one of the most occult secrets, secrets that can never be given to the disposal of the masses.
EP Blavatsky . Secret Doctrine , etc. 1, Part 3, p. 63 , 1888
Our world is immersed in a vast ocean of energy [...] Before us is a daunting task - to find ways of making this energy.Then removing it from this inexhaustible source, humanity will advance with giant strides. [...] How many people have called me a dreamer, as mocked my ideas err in our myopic world. Time will judge us.
Nikola Tesla , physicist and inventor ( 07/10/1856 - 07/01/1943 )
In this section of the review you can learn about the secrets that hide and carefully guarded. Like a needle Koshchey Immortal, it is enclosed in several "skins cover" that successfully ensure its preservation for 12 years. Several tens of insiders who tried to tell this secret world, suffered "untimely death" . Although awareness of the mystery enough ability to distinguish some of its elements and their purpose. Interestingly, the phenomenon that each of us have seen many times, but most saw or what was able to perceive the consciousness, or that wanted to show and inspire those who orchestrated this phenomenon. Everybody has heard the parable of the blind men and the elephant sages . Understand the essence of a mosaic of large-scale phenomenon or process and not see some "elementiki", and the whole picture can only be removed at some distance. Otherwise, "sages" will see fragments of the truth (or falsehood), and argue about how disparate treatment of details and facts, thus preserving the essence of the event secret. Thus real processes will further "according to plan" and control the fate of nations and continents, staying beyond the public perception. Apparently, the closest "landmark event" will be the project "Blue Beam". That's why as an epigraph to this part of the statement and used Blaise Pascal. Based illuminated subject of this review, it is easy to assume that these "somebody" - a global sharps-puppeteers, playing cat and mouse with the peoples inhabiting the Earth. Local and world wars, terrorist attacks and loud crash, geopolitics and crises - all steps and steps towards the next target of the Global Predictor: creating the conditions for transition to a new world order in which his power could get absolute stability. At this point, it is strongly recommended to stop, count to ten, and decide for yourself whether you want to learn this secret. task is to choose red or blue pills in the famous film Wachowski .During Reagan's SDI program ("Star Wars") with the task of establishing the anti-missile "shield" over America rumors about experiments Hutchison reached officials and military experts NASA, Lawrence Livermore and Los Alamos centers. First of all, they intrigued by the fact that a tiny power devices used in this Canadian-taught, however, yielded incredible results and generated a fantastic "special effects" . Footage usually nasty quality as shooting often produces itself Hutchison , and the role of cameraman he was not particularly successful. Exception constitute non-fiction films like this , this or this . Part official correspondence with the military and schemes devices Hutchison can be found in some samizdat publications and on some sites (including his affidavit). There are also interviews with senior specialist "Lockheed Martin" Boyd Bushman (Boyd Bushman), recognizing the accuracy of experiments John Hutchison and hinting at something more . It follows that some of the results of his work and experiments "settled" in the vaults of the Canadian and U.S. military. One day in 1991, when Hutchison was not at home, Canadian intelligence services completely dismantled and removed his home laboratory (John was a Canadian citizen but emigrated to the United States and has since lived in the piece. Minnesota). Subsequent correspondence and trial lawyers were not allowed to return anything (military and government agencies referred to aspects of national security). However, by 2001 his laboratory Hutchison recreated from scratch. In 2006, he was again tried to get to work together with the military, but to no avail. No money, no office, apparently, Hutchison never interested. He prefers to be a "captain" in his tiny boat, live on the poverty line , but do his favorite thing: the study of nature and scientific inventions of the past centuries and millennia. In addition, he is well aware that the physics of "dual use" will inevitably be used for the development of the most horrific destruction systems. For most readers are not familiar with his work it all - no more than an empty phrase. neighbors for this fool more of an inconvenience than a pleasant acquaintance because during the experiments of John in their apartments themselves are beginning to open doors and unexplained phenomena. Awareness of what is dealing Hutchison, requires access to documents and an extensive video library (including non-fiction films about him) and impartiality to his outward appearance. 3 Furthermore, from colliding with his work requires revision physical paradigm and return to physics " pre-Einsteinian "era, which few people even knew something. Whatever it was, for disaster neftekoreksitovoy disaster in the Gulf of Mexico has developed Hutchison installation that creates frequency combinations that could "clean up" certain areas of the coast, and on the left " field testing " . (In one of the documentaries Hutchison demonstrates this installation, called " hidden in plain sight generator death ray "). According to residents of the territories to which he applied his "generator", the environmental situation in the area for some time has improved. This episode could be passed over in silence, if not complex phenomena with which this self-taught. Behind them has long been entrenched term " Hutchison Effect ". And here's the "buried" one of the "carefully hushed up" so to this day: the manifestation of the effects of Hutchison during the "terrorist attacks" September 11, 2001 . As it turned out, the event September 11, 2001accompanied by a whole complex of phenomena, rather reminiscent of the results of some experiments Hutchison, Tesla and Keely. On this account in 2008, Hutchison gave affidavits, providing them with copies of documents from the archive; them can read anyone English speaking.
In whose honor the victims were brought to 11?
September 11, 2001 Statue of Liberty looks to perform sacrifices. Photo: Aris Economopoulos .
Those who are "in the subject line," it is known that the image of the statue are the Sumerian goddess Inanna, the Babylonian Ishtar and the Egyptian Isis. "Ishtar was considered to protect prostitutes, hetero and homosexuals." 4 It - the same " the whore of Babylon . " Goddess Ishtar also considered his wife demon Baal (co-ruler of Satan ). Symbols of the goddess Ishtar were Owls and Snakes. " A theme owls and reptiles tightly woven into the symbolism of secret societies and heraldry. Symbolism - a thing is not even random ... inverted pentagram, pentagon - is a sign of Satan . As mentioned in Part 2 of the review , the inverted pentagram and owl were initially "woven" into the architecture of Washington, DC. The attacks took place in the United States, also fit into a huge pentagram. And indeed the " attack on the Pentagon "highly symbolic and imbued with a truly diabolical lie . "It just so happened" that the sacrifice to Satan Pentagon were brought just those employees of this institution who "knew too much" about the "shortage" in the $ 2.3 trillion. dollars (as discussed in the following sections of this review). From the perspective of this numerology "Black Tuesday" and was very rich . See also ch.11-3 of this review. September 11, 2001 represented a milestone that opened a new era in geopolitics and international relations, in which atrocities against the ruling elite and the population of foreign states (Iraq, Libya, Syria) reached thoroughly forgotten or new "records." To justify these actions massively used decoys and massive covert special operations. In addition, "thanks" to the "terrorist threat" legalized total surveillance of citizens and their leaders and foreign countries, latent and explicit aggression, interference in the internal affairs of the subjects at various levels, as well as rapid deployment of regional and global environmental and biological warfare. Managing all this processes carried out from a common center, and their ultimate goal is to establish a New World Order ("The Matrix" in which global fascism will be accompanied by the total control and management of 500 million residents - those who want to keep the puppeteers alive.) Get an idea of the methods by which Global Predictor and its peripherals are trying to achieve their goals in the "physical plane" can be studying man-made disasters hidden aspects (eg, Gulf of Mexico and the Fukushima-1). The second source - a special operation, accompanied by the destruction of the civilian population and their foreign countries (which is practically all the big attacks and massacres of the last 20 years). Because of the Russian media and scientists expect the words of truth do not have (their "masters" are not local and do not pay them for the truth and the lies and hiding the truth) will do the job for them. Longer-term genocidal program (himtreyly, GRP, chemical and genetic "additives" that affect consciousness, health and fertility of the population, and many others) are much larger and more efficient "quick kill", but it is the use of secret and horrific in its consequences extermination methods show exactly who rules the world . Ruled for many centuries - using biblical concept and adapted "by itself" education, science and culture. In order to fight the enemy and defeat him, enemy and his methods of war "need to know in person." Let us examine the physical nature of the landmark "terrorist act", overturned the previous course of history and geopolitical games. Especially that witnesses and documents he had much more than a special operation " Pearl Harbor , "which involved the United States during World War II. As for the moral constraints, then people start wars, which killed millions of people, a small special operation designed to Bookmarks fundamental geopolitical changes and the formation of his "points of reference" in Eurasia would be quite a "priority" task.http://www.kpe.ru/sobytiya-i-mneniya/ocenka-sostavlyayuschih-jizni-obschestva/mirovozzrenie-nauka-obrazovanie/4464-metastazy-15-1
Zionist global Imperial journey - summary
by BK Lim, FASEI, et al (Dec 14, 2013).
Note & forward: (Dec 31, 2013) We
apologise for the delayed publication of this series of articles.
Our original investigation into BPGOD (BP Gulf Oil Disaster) led us
into a rabbit hole much deeper and wider than we had originally
thought. When it became abundantly clear in 2011 that BPGOD was a
planned mega disaster (PMD), almost all of our insider friends
scratched their heads with disbelief. PMDs do not occur out of the
blues, in isolation with no rhyme or reason. The insurance frauds,
insider trading of BP's shares and other “bonus profiteering”
were just the side dishes, not the main course. There has to be more
than meets the eye. Were there PMDs in the past and more to come in
the future? This started our quest to look back into the past, to
search for clues to the present and future. Guess what? There were
plenty, in various disguises.
To prevent stretching our self-funded resources, our scope of investigation stretched to only as far back as the 1912 Titanic plot. It was a premeditated accident on a suicide collision course. As with all PMDs, the official collision location and ship's course were all falsified. If by any slim chance the Titanic (a switcheroo with her sister ship, Olympic) missed any of the icebergs flowing southwards from the Arctic north, it would ultimately crash into the rocky coast of Newfoundland. Cunningly similar to the 1988 Exxon Valdez and 2013 Costa Concordia plots, don't you think?
To prevent stretching our self-funded resources, our scope of investigation stretched to only as far back as the 1912 Titanic plot. It was a premeditated accident on a suicide collision course. As with all PMDs, the official collision location and ship's course were all falsified. If by any slim chance the Titanic (a switcheroo with her sister ship, Olympic) missed any of the icebergs flowing southwards from the Arctic north, it would ultimately crash into the rocky coast of Newfoundland. Cunningly similar to the 1988 Exxon Valdez and 2013 Costa Concordia plots, don't you think?
Who in the world could be so powerfully
connected, with such deep pockets and almost unlimited resources to
fund these PMDs? Worse still. How could these crooks operate so
freely behind the scene without a single “whiff” from the
government regulators and intelligence agencies? Too obvious to hide
unless it is deliberate.
None of us were conspiracy theorists to start with. New World Order (NWO) was the last thing on our mind. But as we followed each lead, the connections became clearer and more profound. It was like discovering a whole new world, a shadow global system controlling what we can and cannot see, what we consume, how we think, down to even our sense of enjoyment, hopes and dreams. But like the musical Merry-Go-Round, the fun and games have to stop sometime, in the near future (sic). As we draw nearer to that “Rude Awakening”, lots of urgent questions flashed in our minds.
None of us were conspiracy theorists to start with. New World Order (NWO) was the last thing on our mind. But as we followed each lead, the connections became clearer and more profound. It was like discovering a whole new world, a shadow global system controlling what we can and cannot see, what we consume, how we think, down to even our sense of enjoyment, hopes and dreams. But like the musical Merry-Go-Round, the fun and games have to stop sometime, in the near future (sic). As we draw nearer to that “Rude Awakening”, lots of urgent questions flashed in our minds.
How wide is the global snare (Internet short for
international dragnet)? When? How could all these be hidden in
plain sight? We do not have all the answers yet. But what we have
discovered so far, need to be shared as widely as possible; as soon
as possible so that they can no longer operate freely in the dark,
to decide the fate of humanity without our consent.
The frequency of false flags, PMDs and WNC is a
good indicator of their desperation to complete their global
imperial quest, the authoritarian NWO regime, in the very near
Each project article took a bit longer to draft,
to verify and to edit as our circles of insider volunteers grew
larger. We had to restart from scratch in 2011, after suffering a
series of murderous attempts and disruption to derail our non-profit
journey of truth. We had to proceed cautiously. Weeding out the
infiltrators and moles was our first priority. To our horrors, some
of the most prominent activists, anti-govt bloggers and humanitarian
non-profit NGOs who routinely provided us inside info and aerial
footage of the oil spill, were secretly working and gathering
information for the Korpo-Ratz Banksters. NSA came to us early.
To cut wasting resources and to stop providing
NSA a running commentary on our activities, we adopted a
close-circle, no-engagement policy. This also means we stop wasting
our precious resources engaging the trolls and shills. We do
apologise if we cannot respond directly and immediately to questions
or comments from our readers. You are welcome to use any part of our
articles or publish them wholesale in your own blogs, facebook or
any forums without the need to seek our permission or credit us. We
do not control anything you publish (modified or verbatim) and
neither do we accept any responsibility for your publication.
do your due diligence before publication. The strongest argument for
the truth has been the logical continuity of the bigger picture
beyond the staged prop. No crime can be so perfect to leave no trace
of incriminating evidence. Seek and you will find. Most importantly,
think outside the “BOX” they had caged you in.
Much of the contribution comes from unsung heroes who could not reveal their true identities online. We gather, analyse and compile all the evidence to present the hidden connections, deception and scripted plots behind the major PMDs, WNC and hoaxes. Our sincere apology for not being more transparent or faster in response. We still use “slow mail” for our most sensitive data. Our insider volunteers are only available at their convenience. Better be safe than sorry.
The acronym “BPGOD” was adopted because of the bone-chilling realisation that the Gulf Oil-Spill disaster was more than just “an accidental rig blow-out”. It was intended to be part of an earth-shattering global Armageddon (as depicted by the movie, Knowing 2009) but due to Divine Intervention, the “coincidental” accidents and disasters failed to “detonate” or manifest with their intended maximum consequences. For instance, the FEMA anticipated mega-quakes along the New Madrid Seismic zone (actually part of the buried ancient North American Intra-plate Boundary or NAIB) fizzled out as thousands or swamps of small inconsequential quakes. The fear-porn WMDs had been “crying wolf” over an impending mega quake series similar to the great quakes of 1811-1812. Isn't it strange, they suddenly discovered the NAIB is quake prone and coming back to life after 2 suspicious quakes (20060210-M5.2 and 20060911-M6.0) in the deep water Gulf where BP was drilling?
Much of the contribution comes from unsung heroes who could not reveal their true identities online. We gather, analyse and compile all the evidence to present the hidden connections, deception and scripted plots behind the major PMDs, WNC and hoaxes. Our sincere apology for not being more transparent or faster in response. We still use “slow mail” for our most sensitive data. Our insider volunteers are only available at their convenience. Better be safe than sorry.
The acronym “BPGOD” was adopted because of the bone-chilling realisation that the Gulf Oil-Spill disaster was more than just “an accidental rig blow-out”. It was intended to be part of an earth-shattering global Armageddon (as depicted by the movie, Knowing 2009) but due to Divine Intervention, the “coincidental” accidents and disasters failed to “detonate” or manifest with their intended maximum consequences. For instance, the FEMA anticipated mega-quakes along the New Madrid Seismic zone (actually part of the buried ancient North American Intra-plate Boundary or NAIB) fizzled out as thousands or swamps of small inconsequential quakes. The fear-porn WMDs had been “crying wolf” over an impending mega quake series similar to the great quakes of 1811-1812. Isn't it strange, they suddenly discovered the NAIB is quake prone and coming back to life after 2 suspicious quakes (20060210-M5.2 and 20060911-M6.0) in the deep water Gulf where BP was drilling?
A quake >M6 any where along the NAIB would
have incurred heavy human casualties and devastation along this
“dormant” intra-plate boundary. Where were FEMA or USCG's
warnings before 2005? For almost 200 years, major quakes had not
been factored into the high density population-development along the
NAIB. Why?
An authoritarian NWO regime firmly in place before the
turn of the millennium, has no need for 911, BPGOD or a mega-quake
event along the NAIB. Any future mega quake along the NAIB has to be
seismically induced like the Nuke event in Relief Well C on Aug
1, 23:22 CDT 2010. More of the Lousiana Texas Cavern collapse and
other disasters along the NAIB in later parts of this series.
The masterminds of BPGOD were indeed playing God.
Man can propose but God (the Creator) disposes. Thank God they
failed to achieve their full-blown sinister objectives. Otherwise,
we would all be slaves by now.
With ZOOWE, there would be no
necessity to rule by deception any more. Important lessons to be
learned here. Ignore at your own peril. Heaven on earth would not
come as easy as “sitting on your butts and pressing the remote
controls”. Building (peace, bright future or anything
constructive) is an uphill task. Destruction is the easy downhill
Like millions of concerned humans, we wonder if
TPTB have gone MAD(sic); the mutually assured destruction type so
often depicted in their marvel comics. Why unleash waves after waves
of false flags and MIHOP destruction? Weaponised Natural Calamities
(WNC), new forms of laser, Directed Energy Weapons (DEW) are no
longer in question. They are confirmed to exist. Tesla's
technologies could have been used for the good of humanity. Sadly,
they had other evil purposes in mind. Evidence are in abundance in
2013 Haiyan, 2012 Sandy, 3/11 Fukushima, 2010 BPGOD, 2005 Katrina,
2004 Sumatra Quake-Tsunami and 911 just to name a
few. If those responsible for these CMD (crimes of mass destruction)
can operate with impunity, why are they still operating in the dark?
They might have total control over governments and the UN. But they are
still afraid of the Masses. Like Satan and Dracula, their shadow
Slow Kill Genocide can only operate in “darkness”, behind the
façade “sustainability in an over-populated world with
diminishing resources”. “Peak Oil” and “Running out of
Fossil Fuel” are the typical Korpo-Ratz Banksters Hoaxes. More on
Fossil Fuel lies later.
In darkness we fear, by the light of knowledge we never have to fear.
The outcome of any battle can never be truly
certain. Both sides will always claim victory by the grace of God,
before any battle. These Korpo-Ratz (criminals) are cowards. Until
their war game simulations can assure them of complete victory, they
will never openly declare war on the Masses. They will
continue to rule by proxies and deception; hiding behind the White
House curtains. DHS, Patriot Acts, NDDA, NSA and the full
governmental facilities, agencies and military forces will be used
to their advantage to weaken and wear down the American civil
resistance. Your tax dollars are being used to enslave you while
they routinely engineered the downfall of smaller nations with mass
revolts. Uncontrollable global uprisings not engineered by them,
scare them to hell.
Cutting the global population down to a more
manageable size is their only option. Until then, these WNC have to
be masked as abnormal weather events. If Global Warming is not a hoax, where are the perceptible
evidence of a universal global rise in temperature? Like in a
Ponzi wealth scheme where Peter is robbed to pay Harry, there is no
perceptible increase in total warmth. Larger range in temperature
variation, yes. But no real global trend. Seasonal variations do not count.
One super-typhoon Hai-Yan does not make Global Warming real. Heat
(energy) transferred from one region to another with no perceptible
total increase in energy level should be called Ponzi Warming.
Global Warming is just another NWO hoax where HAARP was used to
microwave (heat up) one region to very low pressure, inducing an
abnormally cold snap in another. Global warming and many climatic
issues are being used to instigate the masses to fight among
themselves within the “prepared Roman Colosseum arena". The Cabal
spectators watch at the ring seats warmed by their stolen wealth.
Repeated failures to achieve their full sinister
objectives since the first BUSH presidency, have indeed frustrated
them and sapped their confidence of imminent total victory.
Everything that could go wrong, had gone wrong for them. Like
Hitler's Third Reich after failing to capture Stalingrad, defeat is
on the cards. Like Nazi Germany sending children soldiers to the
front lines to keep the charade going, we can expect more false
flags, WNC and PMDs with greater desperation.
What the Korpo-Ratz Banksters could not achieve
in reality, they fake it in on televised (tell-lies vision)
CNN (cabal-controlled news network) MSM and Hollywood movies to
mind-control the masses of the impending Armageddon or total
collapse of humanity. Their public slogans always carry double
meaning. “In GOD We Trust” does not mean trust in God the
Creator but trust in using Greed (Gold), Oil(corruption) and
Deception to achieve their satanic objectives; global population
reduction or destruction whichever comes first.
Global Mega-Depopulation (GAD) and Global Warring Chaos (GWC) have thus, become more urgent for the Zionist genocide-engineers as the inevitable collapse of “their house of cards” looms nearer and nearer. Their much touted 2012 London Olympic and End-of-Mayan Calendar Armageddon turned out to be non-events due to a myriad of technical difficulties including growing global awareness of their ill-intentions. A general awakening to the fact that history has been distorted by distorians to their advantage, is enough to disrupt their evil machinations. Like Dracula, they cannot do evil in the light of knowledge. That is all we ask of you; to read and to share even if you do not understand or agree with the gist of this article. Someone else may. These unsung heroes could make the small difference of interrupting the precise timing/sequence needed to set off another WMC or another PMD.
Global Mega-Depopulation (GAD) and Global Warring Chaos (GWC) have thus, become more urgent for the Zionist genocide-engineers as the inevitable collapse of “their house of cards” looms nearer and nearer. Their much touted 2012 London Olympic and End-of-Mayan Calendar Armageddon turned out to be non-events due to a myriad of technical difficulties including growing global awareness of their ill-intentions. A general awakening to the fact that history has been distorted by distorians to their advantage, is enough to disrupt their evil machinations. Like Dracula, they cannot do evil in the light of knowledge. That is all we ask of you; to read and to share even if you do not understand or agree with the gist of this article. Someone else may. These unsung heroes could make the small difference of interrupting the precise timing/sequence needed to set off another WMC or another PMD.
Remember, 9/11 and BPGOD could not have happened if the numerous control floodgates were not opened at the right places, at the right sequence and at the right time ~ BK Lim (2010).
Many PMDs failed to “detonate” in the past
(unreported) not because their “triggers” were actively
diffused. But because workers at each level did their jobs dutifully
and conscientiously. These unsung heroes simply refused to be bribed
and be morally corrupted. You too can prevent the global slide into
an authoritarian state by doing your job without moral compromise.
The 2008 Financial Crash was planned. But unfortunately for them,
the chain of events sprung out schedule and out of their control
because of unsung heroes who believed in being morally right, not
blind obedience to the Korpo-Ratz.
"Morality is doing what is right regardless of what you are told. Obedience is doing what you are told regardless of what is right." And might does not make right.
This resulted in huge losses for the
Cabal-KorpoRatz. BPGOD in 2010 did not go exactly to plan as well
(see our previous reports). So did Fukushima in 2011. Despite being
touted by the Cabal News Network (CNN) as the deadliest super storm,
Sandy-2012 turned out to be only a category I hurricane at landfall.
HaiYan-2013 too, disappointed them with a final dead count of less
than 5,000 when their target of over 10,000 were “fear-porned”
by MSM (mainstream media) within hours of landfall. One must wonder
how western news agencies could count 10,000 casualties from the
other side of the Pacific when the official Philippines Government
count rate was still less than 3,000. Will the “Deep Freeze”,
courtesy of the stalled Gulf Stream be next? Check out what we
wrote in Feb 2011, published at Rense.com.
The increasing health problems being reported by the gulf victims, scientific findings of higher than expected oil/corexit tainted gulf water, increasing evidence of a dying gulf and unprecedented occurrences of shallow low magnitude earthquakes cannot be natural nor coincidental. They are testimonies of a massively leaking reservoir; confirming our worst fears. While it might have been possible to gag random voices of truth and cover the initial localised consequences of the disaster, it would be difficult to dismiss a dead gulf stream, mass deaths of birds and fishes and extreme weather conditions (among other abnormalities) worldwide. Was the recent worst flood disaster in Queensland part of the chain of events triggered by BP's mega oil spill disaster? Sounds far-fetched? Not if you understand the logical analyses on how the world not only inherited 3 leaking wells through wilful negligence, but through incompetence intertwined with vested business interests, fears of job losses, cover-ups and greed, BP had “unwittingly (sic)” engineered the world's largest network of faulted-fractured pathways for “natural” oil and gas seeps. Impossible?
BP's continued denial and cover-ups had triggered a chain of calamities not only in the US but all over the world starting with abnormally cold and prolonged winter in the Northern Hemisphere, followed by the worst floods in the documented history of northern Australia. Major volcanic eruptions had worldwide climatic consequences lasting for years. Why would this massive underground eruption and continuous spewing of oil and gas spanning hundreds of sq km for over 9 months be any different? We choose to be wilfully ignorant to our own peril.
Feb 20, 2011 -Silencing
the Independent Voices Of Truth on the BP's Mega Oil
Your survival and that of your family and
generations to come, may depend on the truth that has been hidden
from you. What you are about to read are not “conspiracy hoaxes
brought to you by conspiracy theorists” as the cabal-funded MSM,
their “whores of mass deception” (WMDs)and debunkers, would have
you believe. Many unsung heroes had sacrificed their lives in order
that you may know the truth and be prepared for what is to come. They
can lie, cheat and spun the truth in isolation but when the long
string of factual timeline, facts and events are pieced together, the
truth cannot be clearer. The shoes fit so well. No denying how
incredibly naked the emperor is.
Ask yourself why it took 73 years for the Titanic
wreck to be discovered? With modern sea floor scanners, the false
location of the collision could have been proven much earlier.
Another case of “hidden in plain sight”. It was a premeditated
accident and mass murder; just like the 2013 Costa Concordia and 1989
Exxon Valdez. Period.
Although they have the power to corrupt and to
control, one thing they can never have, is the power of the awakened
masses. That is their greatest fear. Their stolen economic power,
wealth, political control and house of cards, can all crumble down in
an instance (figuratively speaking). The only way to perpetuate their
ill-gotten gains is by establishing a Global Imperial Dynasty,
referred to as ZOOWE (Zionist-controlled Oiled One World Empire). The
Roman and British Empires were two of the more successful global
empires of their time. Empires achieved through swift brutal
conquests (eg. the Hun and Mongol empires) tend to be short-lived.
Their empires started to disintegrate and decline soon after the
death of their founding conquerors (Attila the Hun and Genghiz Khan
respectively). The Khazar descendants do not aim to make the same
mistakes with their golden opportunity. Slow “divide & conquer”
conquests and control by deception as the British did, will make
their imperial regime more lasting.
Religious conversion does not alter one's DNA or
race. Yet how do you explain the Khazars becoming Jews or more
specifically, Semites from the land of Israel? Khazars, a
non-Semitic, Asiatic, Mongolian tribal nation who emigrated into
Eastern Europe about the first century, are as Semitic as black
Africans or Chinese in China who converted to Judasim freely. This is
not anti-semitism, but logical elimination of possibilities and
hoaxes to arrive at the truth. Does sharing the “One Concept”
designed by APCO as in “One Israel” and “One Malaysia” make
Malaysia a Jewish country?
On March 30, 2010, Malaysian opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim alleged in the Malaysian parliament (the Dewan Rakyat) that the 1Malaysia concept was mirrored after “One Israel” concept and designed by Mindteams Sdn Bhd, a branch in Malaysia of APCO Worldwide. He alleged that APCO also created the One Israel concept in 1999 for then Israeli's Prime Minister Ehud Barak.[9] Both APCO and the Barisan Nasional government stated that Anwar's allegation was untrue. Malaysian lawmakers have tabled a motion to censure Anwar for misleading the Parliament over his 1Malaysia-One Israel allegations which was passed by the Parliament on April 22, 2010.[10]
The Jewish Encyclopedia:"Khazars, a non-Semitic, Asiatic, Mongolian tribal nation who emigrated into Eastern Europe about the first century, who were converted as an entire nation to Judaism in the seventh century by the expanding Russian nation which absorbed the entire Khazar population, and who account for the presence in Eastern Europe of the great numbers of Yiddish-speaking Jews in Russia, Poland, Lithuania, Galatia, Besserabia and Rumania." http://www.biblebelievers.org.au/jews.htm
Since Israel's support among millions of American Christians is founded on a concept that God had bequeathed territory to a biblical "tribe" of Oriental Middle Eastern Jews, it becomes ironic to learn from Koestler's research that most Jews today are not descended from natives of the "holy land," or even of the Middle East. Koestler, who originally published “The Thirteenth Tribe” in 1976, noted that the story of the Khazar empire "begins to look like the most cruel hoax history has ever perpetrated." The Palestinians, imprisoned and brutalized by Zionism's "hoax," would be the first to agree. Needless to say, the book has been difficult to find. It disappears from many library shelves. A check at the Library of Congress reveals that the most prestigious library of our land had one reading copy. That one copy, however, is "missing from the shelf. Grace Halsell is a journalist based in Washington, DC, USA, and the author of more than 10 books.© The Washington Report For Middle East Affairs, 1991. http://www.fantompowa.org/koestler_review.htm
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The Stasi File
According to the Stasi GDR File, the daughter of Hitler is now holding the same office as her father - Chancellor of Germany. She is said to be the most powerful human being on Earth since she is also the President of the European Union (EU) and head of the powerful Western Economic Block known as the G-8.
More concerning is that Hitler's dream of uniting Europe under German/Vatican control is now within his daughter's reach.
In 1954, a child was born, a baby girl, whom the Stasi File identifies as Angela Merkel, today's Chancellor of Germany. Her official birthday is July 17, 1954. However, the Stasi file which is currently in the Soviet KGB archives, records her birth as April 20, 1954. If this secret police citizen’s file in the Ministerium für Staatssicherheit (GDR) is correct, then Hitler’s daughter, Angela Merkel, was born on Adolph Hitler’s birthday - April 20.
BK LimAUTHORcommented
By BK Lim