- News Type: Opinion — Fri Sep 3, 2010 11:28 AM PDTenvironment, congress, government, oil, mexico, florida, federal-government, bp, oil-spill, investigation, explosion, gulf, louisiana, fed, epa, gulf-oil-spill, gulf-coast, gulf-of-mexico, mississippi, leak, noaa, coast-guard, bp-oil-spill, oil-leak, deepwater, gov, blowout, bop, leaking, gulf-oil-spill-horizon,bk-lim, geohazards, s20bc, bathymetry
(updated 7 Sept 2010, correction to true slopes due to misread contour interval)
For a disaster of this magnitude, many things must have gone wrong from the very beginning. The long chain of human errors leading to the disaster could not have been purely accidental or random in nature. There must have been willful negligence, ignorance or misinterpretation to capitalize on certain opportunities or to make good on some bad situations along the way.
Like many, I followed the intense discussions at The Oildrum.com (TOD) to get some fair technical coverage of the BP’s oil spill disaster. As the disaster wore on, I started to wonder why industry experts like Art Berman, Rockman and many supporting actors (Rocdoc, PinkFud, Quaking, CraigWcoop & others) were so defensive of BP’s lies and zealously stamping out any independent bloggers’ views. If they had been truly professional and interested in seeking and disseminating the truth of the disaster, why were they not discussing incriminating issues that BP seems to be avoiding? Granted that nuking the gushing well was not really a good idea, but why should they be bitterly thrashing Matt Simmons’ apparently valid assertions as well.
Being a geohazards specialist, I started my own investigation with the bathymetry as I had always done. Being the lowest denominator (in terms of data ranking of importance and sophistication) any evidence of willful negligence should be readily apparent. To my surprise, I found many issues with the bathymetry which nobody seems to be discussing at all. So in the first draft of my posting; Would a better bathymetry chart have made the difference?, I asked the question “Is there something wrong with BP’s Macondo bathymetry?”
There had been some initial troublesome scaling errors while trying to superimpose BP’s bathymetry onto the satellite image from google. I could not find the reference points and was unfamiliar with a prospect using US imperial system. Instead of correcting it (since it was inconsequential to the development of the geological model) the scaling error was left uncorrected in the initial posting. It looked like an opportunity to use it as a “control” to gauge the readers’ responses on the erroneous Macondo bathymetry.
The five areas of fundamental problems with BP’s Macondo bathymetry are:
1. Data acquisition fraud. BP’s Macondo “smoothened” bathymetry did not appear to be consistent with MBES (multibeam echo sounder) images scanned at close range to the seabed. The bathymetry appeared more likely to have been compiled from widely spaced SBES (single beam echo sounder) data along surveyed lines. MBES mounted on AUV is designed to optimally scan the seabed with multiple ultrasonic beams (>100 to 250 beams) from an altitude of 150-200 ft above the seabed, while the conventional SBES utilizes a single ultrasonic beam from the sea level (5000 ft above). Needless to say, data acquired using the AUV-mounted MBES would yield a much higher resolution image of the seafloor as compared to one using a SBES. Three seafloor images using comparable 3m-bin size MBES data were included in my earlier posting (Would a better bathymetry chart have made the difference?) for comparison.
From my experience, passing the backup SBES data as MBES (a form of cheating) is widespread in the industry. Imagine a multimillion AUV-MBES system failing to function in the middle of a survey out in the open sea. Would the survey contractor stop work, return to port and resume survey after the system had been repaired? Sometimes it is not the question of cost. Whether time would permit is another important issue. In most cases, the survey contractor would rather continue the survey using the backup SBES system than to lose a few million dollars. With survey acquisition costing between 50,000-75,000USD/day, the compelling choice is clear. Whether the BP company man onboard the vessel knew or was happily sleeping in his cabin is open to question. Of course, 90% of the survey contractors would never openly declare that their AUV mounted MBES was non-operational 4850ft below the sea surface. Their favorite fallback argument has always been “What is the fuss as long as the bathymetric chart can be produced?” When the bottom line is at stake, quality and resolution fly out the window. MBES can cost more than 10 times the cost of SBES data acquisition.
2. Data compilation fraud: At the post survey data compilation stage, few survey companies would openly admit their data acquisition shortcomings. So although the bathymetry for the Macondo prospect was compiled mainly from SBES data, the legend in the chart still states “Multibeam Processing Sequence”. The graduated colour scheme normally used in MBES images (unusual for SBES compilation), is another tell-tale sign of willful intent. There are other evidences but these should suffice for the purpose of this article.
3. Willful Negligence and Ignorance: For the benefit of the layman, horizontal (spatial) resolution refers to the smallest measurable quantity or interval laterally. As the ultrasonic beam gets further away from the source (echo sounder), the reflection circle (cone) gets wider. Thus a SBES system using 30kHz frequency deployed at sea level would not be able to resolve or see better than 4.5 m or 14.5 ft (spatially) at depths of 5000 ft below sea level. The bin-size (9.84 ft) and contour interval (5 ft) cannot be smaller than the resolution limit of 15 ft. For comparison, a 30kHz SBES source deployed 150 ft above the seafloor would have a spatial resolution limit of only 2.5ft.
Mathematically, the minimum contour interval should be at least 15 ft but for practical mapping purposes, it should be twice the resolution limit or 30 ft and not 5 ft as BP had used. This means any point on the map has an uncertainty circle of at least 15ft radius. Contouring at 5 ft interval (1/3 the resolution limit) would have unduly distorted and biased the compiled bathymetry; the survey lines being 660 ft apart or 132 times the contour interval.
In contrast, a 3m-bin size means there is an average depth point (calculated from several angled-beams) at every 3 m cell. For a SBES source to generate the same data density, the Macondo bathymetric survey line-spacing has to be 3m or 66 times the number of survey lines shown on the chart. But surveying the lines so closely does not make any sense with a spatial resolution of 15 ft.
Would you trust BP’s pledge “to make it right” in the aftermath of the disaster when they could not be bothered with doing it right even with the fundamentals? The cost of a proper bathymetry survey is probably 1/100th the cost budgeted for well A. Is this a classic case of penny wise, pound foolish?
The lack of resolution will also explain the smoothness of the seafloor which is inconsistent with true slopes exceeding 3º. Whether this was willfully overlooked is open to question. If the chart is to be used, the resolution limit and accuracy should have been clearly stated and cautioned. In BP’s permit application, the depth for Well A and Well B was stated as 4992 ft; implying an accuracy of 1 ft. This is willful negligence. Accuracy cannot be better than resolution. What is the purpose of implying 1 ft accuracy when a more honest representation as 4990±10 ft would suffice. Why was there a need to impress (or mislead)?
If AUV-mounted MBES data had been used as specified instead of the backup SBES sounding from the sea surface, the bathymetry would have been more accurate and better resolved to show the irregularities consistent with the true steep slopes (>3.7º to 6.6º) of a major escarpment. With a more accurate and detailed bathymetry, BP should have seen the minute tell-tale signs of the hazardous conditions beneath the worst possible parts of the escarpment to drill. If the well had been drilled from a safer seabed location, perhaps the Gulf Oil Spill disaster might not have happened?
4. Willful Misinterpretation: As evident in figures 7 and 8 of Satellite Image Comparison, the L-shaped escarpment which covers almost 2/3 of the Macondo site, stretches 12 km to the NW (~0.6 km wide) and 5.5km to the north, with the width of the north-eastern flank varying from 1.3 to 1.6 km. Although the total height of the escarpment cannot be measured from the satellite images, the lower slope itself is already 250ft. Compare this observation with BP’s assessment:
BP’s Shallow Hazards Assessment:The only seafloor feature identified on the exploration 3D seismic data within the vicinity is a low-relief escarpment approximately 1,000 ft to the south of “A” location which is the seafloor expression of a deeply–buried scarp associated with mass-wasting.The only seafloor feature identified on the exploration 3D seismic data within the vicinity is a low-relief escarpment approximately 950 ft to the south of “B” location which is the seafloor expression of a deeply–buried scarp associated with mass-wasting.
BP’s assessment was obviously very far from the truth. The escarpment is definitely not the only seafloor feature. Even from the satellite images and the “smoothened” bathymetry, there are obvious features such as steep to gentle slopes, almost flat seafloor at the canyon bottom, topographical irregularities etc. No one can deny that both Wells A and B are on the mid-slope of a massive escarpment rather than 950-1000 ft north of it.
Yet Fintan Dunne and Art Berman (TOD), both respectable experts in their own fields, can still assert that well A is located within a valley. Preconceived minds do work wonders.
This discrepancy can only mean that BP’s geohazards assessment had misinterpreted the southern foothill of the Massive Escarpment as the “escarpment” itself. See BP’s misinterpreted escarpment in figure 115-1. How can a massive escarpment be interpreted as an “edge” in the middle of a slope with no significant change in gradient? Was the steep irregular topography willfully downplayed to deceive the regulatory body (MMS) into approving the exploration application?
In my 30 years of geohazards work, it is totally illogical for a blowout to be so disastrous and yet the site can be described as “gentle and featureless” as implied in the hazards assessment. Did BP totally ignore the original unfavourable geohazards assessment? This question can only be answered after an independent review of the 1998 and 2003 geohazards reports. Why would BP America Inc carry out its own internal mapping in 2008 and 2009 using exploration 3D seismic data when there were already existing geohazards reports? Exploration 3D seismic data meant to map more than 25,000 ft below sea level, do not have the necessary resolution to detect and resolve shallow geological hazards as many had experienced in the past of such “disastrous experiments”. If BP’s internal mapping using 3D exploration data took precedence over the previous shallow geohazards reports in any way, then it would be difficult for BP to wriggle their way out of willful negligence?
All the previous shallow geohazards assessment and site survey reports should be reviewed and examined for evidence of willful misinterpretation and lack of due diligence in the shallow geohazards assessment.
5. Willful Misrepresentation: Figure 115-1 shows the seabed profile along the line XY drawn diagonally across the bathymetric chart. BP stated the slope dips 3º SE. Even with the current terrain “flattened” by resolution limitation the average true slope is already 3.7º. In slope analysis, it is the steepest slopes that matter, not the gentlest. It is also erroneous to quote a generalized slope since the slopes of the escarpment is neither uniform nor dip in the same direction. True slopes currently measured from the erroneously smoothened contour vary from 1.7º to 6.6º. This is certainly not uniform. In reality, the true localised slopes should be a few degrees higher than presently measured.
Why did BP state in its report that the seabed slope is ~3º and the escarpment is low relief? Even 3º slopes are considered to be steep, as most well locations are located at seabed with <1º slopes. Seabed with slopes >3º should have been investigated for possible shallow hazards, especially when the location is located right at the convex face of the escarpment. Any escarpment or raised landform exceeding 250ft (75m) in height cannot be described as “low relief”? BP’s choice of words and terms were definitely misleading? The cursory hazards assessment given in only one paragraph (less than 100 words) certainly do no justice; even if the severe slope is the only consideration.
Missing the Forest for the trees
If there had been no comments at all from TOD’s industry experts on my bathy posting dated 24 July 2010, I would not have been so convinced of BP’s deceits and willful mass deception to cover up the long chain of human errors leading to the disaster. Even though there had been visits from BP’s goons to my column and in particular the Bathy posting, they did not want to bring more attention to my blog by commenting.
On 29 July2010-10:30am, Robert Rapier’s posted “A Critical Examination of Matt Simmons’ Claims on the Deepwater Spill”. It must have been a tremendous group effort involving multiple Oil Drum staff members particularly Joules Burn, Art Berman, Euan Mearns and Robert Rapier, to compile all those satellite photos, statistics and causes of methane emission (including belching cattle) just to put down one man.
Just when they thought they had successfully “snuffed out” the last flame of argument against BP (after an exhaustive day hammering down Matt Simmons), someone posted my article, Why Is BP’s Macondo Blowout So Disastrous & Beyond Patch-Up? for discussion the next day. My diagrams and geological model must have infuriated those BP’s goons at TOD. Not only were my diagrams more beautiful than theirs, many impartial bloggers seemed to think my geohazards assessment made a lot more sense. It must have been most frustrating for those BP’s goons to have another sprout of doubts springing to life, so soon after the last one was snuffed out.
It could not have been coincidental that the debasing comments on the inconsequential scaling error by GeoNola, Klurker and Lurking came one day after my diagrammatic illustration of BP’s Macondo Blowout had attracted a 6,000% jump in website visits (first day) to my column. my diagrammatic illustration of BP’s Macondo Blowout had attracted a 6,000% jump in website visits (first day) to my column. Their complete silence on the fundamental issues was deafening. All except Fintan Dunne are oilman experts and judging from their blog comments, are fiercely defensive of BP.
There’s an old saying; “You can see the ant over the river but not the elephant on the same bank”.
I picked BP’s bathymetry to illustrate what many had long feared. It is an open record of BP’s list of willful negligence which everyone can understand. None of BP’s goons, who had been so vocal on so many issues, have remained “loudly” silent on issues incriminating BP. This proved beyond reasonable doubt who they had been working for. I will end this posting by quoting the latest news of BP’s tripled record breaking spending on advertisement.
It will come as little surprise to newspaper readers and television watchers, but BP significantly increased its spending on advertising after the April 20 Deepwater Horizon explosion and oil spill. BP spent $93.4 million on newspaper, magazine, television and Internet advertising in the three months after the disaster, three times what it spent in the comparable period in 2009 the company reported to Congress.
BK Lim - this is one of your best work yet!! Your piercing observation and revelatory analysis is amzing.
You have done us a great service. Thanks very much.
It is always a pleasure to find information, in a fashion in which the average viner has a light go on:) glad you continue......... please be careful in daily endeavors:)
and for the record....... you are in good health? no untreated heart problems to speak of?
absolutely......... post it on newsvine!........... heheh... just kidding dude.
again...... walk in prayer, live like everyday is a day for a new path.... *clears throat* don't go the same way twice:)
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BK Lim
Freebirdreaming is right. Please stay safe.
Your articles may inspire a defining moment where more and more people (include the world) to Stand Up and 'Fight' for We the People !!!
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Very informative even if some of it is over my head. I bought an interesting little book a couple of years ago at a used book sale. It's titled "How to Lie with Maps". Looks like "someone" is using it as text.
I agree. BK Lim's explained in such a way to help layman like me understand.
Luv the diagrams too!
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I'm really very good with geographical maps. Bless my Mother, she started making me plot out our errands around the city when I was about 8. It's my limited knowledge of geology that slowed me down here! Happy Labor Day, Friend.
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Here's my two cents The Oil Drum Exposed — BP Shills Promoting Conspiracy Theory To Drive Up The Price Of Oil
"must have infuriated those BP’s goons at TOD" - BK Lim
"there had been visits from BP’s goons to my column" - BK Lim
"most frustrating for those BP’s goons" - BK Lim
"those BP’s goons to have another sprout of doubts" - BK Lim
"BP’s goons at TOD" - BK Lim
Tossing the slur "goons" repeatedly into a professional technical analysis is a bad sign, usually indicating dearth of substance. Facts speak for themselves -without the need to push buttons designed to elecit an emotional response from the reader. That is polemics -not technical analysis.
Whether they are goons or not is irrelevant. The question is whether their analysis is technically correct. To determine that, journalists study the technical response and counter-response to questions.
"So Fintan never came back after you answered his questions?
Doesn't say much for his investigative reporting." - Nyghtshade
Doesn't say much for his investigative reporting." - Nyghtshade
I placed a list of 7 questions to BK.
Three from me and four from TOD criticisms of his analysis.
Three from me and four from TOD criticisms of his analysis.
See: h t t p : / / bit.ly/dmEwa2
I never came back because BK responded with:
"my answers can actually be found hidden in my previous articles" - BK Lim
Answers "hidden"?? That sealed it for me. As I said in that thread:
"I and others read your articles assuming you were acting in good faith; being up front; and stating clearly without artifice what you believed based on your professional experience. Now I find that either you are wriggling out of errors or claiming to be playing silly mind games....
I'm a hard-nosed journalist. And my job is to put hard questions. The above questions are not trivial and the public deserve straight answers. So, when I get a runaround and talk of 'hidden answers' in response to simple and logical questions, that's a red flag." -Fintan
1) My first question was about BK's statement:
"It is therefore intriguing that Well A should be more
than 520ft SSE of DWH's surface location." -BK Lim
than 520ft SSE of DWH's surface location." -BK Lim
Later, in another article he says::
"The well that blew up on 20 April was... S20BC, is approximately...
720 ft NNW of Well A and just 120ft NW of DWHs surface location. " - BK Lim
720 ft NNW of Well A and just 120ft NW of DWHs surface location. " - BK Lim
Taking 120ft from 720 feet I get 600ft - not 520ft
Even worse, in another graphic the 720ft appears as 750ft.
This 500-700 ft stuff is based on "forensic analysis" of the sea floor wreckage. When relying on someone's 'forensics' I like to see the ability to make figures add up.
In another article BK comes up with the official coast guard log report of DWH having drifted off the initial surface location by 714 feet. He says it was no drift, and it was 714 feet off when it blew. But it's his mere supposition that there was no drift. So we go from a seemingly definitive statement about the DWH location ... to a supposition.
And that was the only question of mine he came even near answering.
2) No answer on where the pool of burning oil around the DWH came from --if as he and Simmons claim the BOP was blown and riser severed(thus no path for concentrated flow to surface).
3) Actually BK doesn't need to answer point three about how come all charts show the well(s) nowhere near a salt dome - the central point of his thesis. Because as I quote in the question, his article on that issue already says:
"Thus, while a salt dome is selected for the model, any vertical
geological structure like an intrusive dyke or a vertically inclined
fault zone (lateral fault), would essentially produce the same effects." - BK Lim
geological structure like an intrusive dyke or a vertically inclined
fault zone (lateral fault), would essentially produce the same effects." - BK Lim
And we all thought all those nice diagrams of a salt dome meant he was saying the DWH well was near a salt dome!!
And he never answered any of the four main points raised by Berman on TheOilDrum which I had also put to him.
You know the drill. When someone challenges technical information, you quote the challenges and answer them specifically and technically. BK simply doesn't do this. Answers he doesn't wish to address are ignored.
Berman had said:
"The idea that multiple vertically stacked reservoirs can communicate along the flank of a vertical salt feature is not supported by modern data. Reservoirs are separated by sealing shales."
"The idea that multiple vertically stacked reservoirs can communicate along the flank of a vertical salt feature is not supported by modern data. Reservoirs are separated by sealing shales."
Which is point that requires a concise, credible technical answer --specific to the question.
Berman also said:
"Lim's thesis is that any salt dome flank well is effectively doomed from the outset because of pressure communication. Thousands of wells have been drilled on salt dome flanks in the onshore and offshore Gulf Coast over the past 80-90 years that do not support this assumption."
"Lim's thesis is that any salt dome flank well is effectively doomed from the outset because of pressure communication. Thousands of wells have been drilled on salt dome flanks in the onshore and offshore Gulf Coast over the past 80-90 years that do not support this assumption."
Now, call me relentless, but I'd like to see answers to those specific questions. Technical answers in the language of geohazard technical analysis. Don't bother talking down to us or simplifying for the layman. Answer technically, and others can then make technical sense of it. I'm an experienced technical journalist and there are many others. And we are well capable of interpreting technical arguments.
On past record, I don't expect to get those technical answers. I expect to get more playing to the gallery and name-calling.
Even in this latest BK Lim article I find further confusion od the issues. BK quotes me asking whether the BP well(s) are on the flank of a slat dome or not. But this article is all about the wells being on the flank of an escarpment - not a salt dome. Where is the salt dome? What proof is there that the salt dome exists? Or are we back to the excuse that, as BK said:
"while a salt dome is selected for the model, any vertical geological structure like an intrusive dyke or a vertically inclined fault zone (lateral fault), would essentially produce the same effects."
If you are stating the well was on the flank of a salt dome, prove it. Show it's location. If not we can move on to the question of whether ot not other features would indeed produce "essentially the same effects".
The vagueness of the word "essentially" is unsatisfactory.
I put the seven questions to Bk Lim on 18th August. Here we are weeks later and by charitable assessment BK has managed to address two of the seven questions.
Meanwhile he plows on regardless.
I'd advise BK to post on TOD and then we can all judge on the merits of his technical arguments and their responses. Or answer the questions technically and others can repost them on TOD.
"many impartial bloggers seemed to think my geohazards
assessment made a lot more sense." - BK Lim
assessment made a lot more sense." - BK Lim
That's not the point. The point is whether your analysis stands up to criticism from your peers in the industry.
I hope you are not avoiding proper technical argument which directly addresses critiques of your views -in order to mislead "impartial bloggers" --who may lack understanding of the formal procedure for evidential assessment of technical argument.
You answer one question, ................. one only.......... Does TOD take money from BP?
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"The well that blew up on 20 April was... S20BC, is approximately...
720 ft NNW of Well A and just 120ft NW of DWHs surface location. " - BK LimTaking 120ft from 720 feet I get 600ft - not 520ftEven worse, in another graphic the 720ft appears as 750ft.This 500-700 ft stuff is based on "forensic analysis" of the sea floor wreckage. When relying on someone's 'forensics' I like to see the ability to make figures add up.
Fintan - do you know the meaning of "APPROXIMATELY"? Accuracy clearly stated as +/- 25 ft. I downloaded his chart (very small) could not get exactly 720ft scaling out his chart but 700 to 750 ft around should be good enough. If the numbers don't add to the 1 ft accuracy on this small chart, it simply means he had estimated the dist from the "rough map" which I believe was taken from your blog on 9 Aug. You should be suspicious if the figures match up to the nearest feet (as in the bathy chart). 50 ft is a very very small dist out there in the open sea. Why are you cherry-picking the irrelevant INCONSEQUENTIAL errors?
Why don't you challenge his method of analysis instead? Can you come up with a better analysis?
Having work in the industry myself, it is ludicrous people like you pushing the numbers into absurdity. That's the problem with the bathy as well. Bull@!$%# 4992 ft? when resolution limit is 15ft Read again. BK trying to assert you cannot get 1 ft accuracy. Isn't this what you are trying to spin?
Get real man. If you had been caught on the wrong foot admit it. Don't push & try to wiggle your way out. If you do not know BK yet, then I think you are in for a big big surprise. He is not known to be the "fighting cock" for nuthing.
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« Reply #9 on: August 14, 2010, 10:10:19 PM »It's Tuttlet's map.He spent days getting co-ords cyphered out.--mf
Fintan, Did you nick Tuttlet's map without giving him any credit? In your blog http://fintandunne.com/BP-Immaculate-Deception.htm
The title on the chart == Mocando ROV Map Ver 1.0 - Prepared by Fintan Dunne - 9th August 2010.
Bat@!$%#Crazy« Reply #1 on: August 14, 2010, 08:43:51 PMStrange the the coordinates map is identical to the one created by Tuttlet and posted here months ago! At least the color key is spot on the same. I wonder who the person is that "prepared" that map in August? hmmmm.
Looks like the original title - "Seaflloor around BP's Macondo Well centred on the Blowout BOP - last updated june 18 2010" was compiled by Tuttlet. What have you got to say to that?
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You are so right on........you just delivered a knock-out punch!
Always check the 'source'......follow the money trails........- loded advertisements by BP???
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List the 7 questions you want BK Lim to answer, for the Readers' benefit, especially those who just joined in. Afterall, you did say -"let the readers judge".
More importantly, there will be No more twisting and spinning to create 'confusion'.once and for all.
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I also want to ask One Question only......Did you steal Tuttlet's chart?
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BK Lim
So Fintan why so quiet? Let's see how you wriggle your way out. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!
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BK...a few questions and comment:
COMMENT: 5-6 weeks ago, (before Matt Simmons died), I put a post in the TOD. I was a little upset with their defense of BP and attack of Matt Simmons. I basically said, the authors of the TOD should be ashamed of themselves defending BP. Guess what? They deleted my post and blocked my screen name to log in.
I thought....why on earth delete my post, if it was from a ranting lunatic?
Anyhow....I thought the same thing. Why did so many of the TOD authors have to write an article against Matt Simmons? And how about his death? I have been listening to Matt Simmons for years and read his book. I was shocked of his death, but also realize he didn't look to be in the best health. But a heart attack in a hot tub at a time he was the only one vocal against BP on the mainstream seems suspect still to me.
If Simmons was taken out, it must have been done to keep him quiet as BP has a boatload of DERIVATIVES on their balance sheet that could take down the markets similar to what happened when Lehman and AIG went under in 2008. In speculation...that is why the US GOVT is behind BP in this coverup. The United States is getting ready to disintegrate due to a falling EROI of oil and natural gas. This country was built on cheap oil and will collapse as oil becomes more expensive. Defending BP allows the US GOVT to stay alive a bit longer.
1) If the BOP did blow off the well in the beginning of the blowout, how did the natural gas raise 5,000 from the seabed to burn up the Horizon Rig?
2) If the well is open and still spewing out oil....why are we not seeing more oil on the surface of the GOM? Could the flow be slowing or did BP place something down there to make the flow move horizontally rather than vertically?
thanks for your work,
my question WAS directed at, is the name finton?....... hehehe.
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There are a bunch of oil hogs sucking at the BP tit, and knowing a little more about your end of this mess, and reading the intraction of the posts, I find myself waiting for the next.
I really enjoy watching you take the phoneys to the ambush of exposure, and detraction.
AS you can tell, I have no tolerance for imposters that are oil infused through their wallets, and I name one everychance I get. Jane Lubchenco.
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Hope this isn't a double post:)
Love your work BK. I am praying everyday that BP is exposed to the world for the deception, harm and destruction they are perpetrating on our soil.
From your diagram - it appears if the slope is steep enough - and the DWH is as large as I have read, why would it even have to move to drill the wells, because from what I gather all they would have to drill at an angle and who would know?
Just curious.
Also, noting they are using ROV's that no longer show coordinates.
How do we know what the heck is going on down there or where it is taking place.
Please keep up the good work - you are doing a great service.
Wow, there is a lot of info here. Well, resolution seems to be key. I'd like to focus on, "..If BP's internal mapping using 3D exploration data took precedence over the previous shallow geohazards report in any way, then it would be difficult for BP to wiggle their way out of willful negligence." ....So true.
I'm new to your column, and so far have found credence and interest in your articles. Thank you!
Ok, thanks!
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Sorry if this is a dumb question.......
Why does the sea floor topography even matter? Why does it matter if the well is on a slope or in a valley? I know enough geology ( one year in college) to know that the structure of the underlying rocks two miles down might look nothing like the topography of the surface.
It is late, I am tired, but I miss the point. Does it actually make a difference when you dig a well if it is on a slope or not? I have a garden well on a sloping hill but the water comes up just fine, the same as if it was on a level spot. The underlying deposit of water ( 25 feet) isn't affected by the hill, so why would this in any way matter for an oil well? Are you just trying to point out how inept BP was in their plans?
Got Cha....Stuart Staniford has the designation of EMERITUS on the TOD. He was one of the first top contributors to the TOD when it started.
My background as being an independent researcher has focused on the economy and energy. Very few people have done research in EROI (energy returned on invested). David Murphy who is the EROI specialist on the TOD has worked under Charles Hall, Professor at the State Univeristy of New York. Hall, Gagnon and Lysle wrote a paper on the GLOBAL EROI in June 2009.
They stated that the GLOBAL EROI of oil and natural gas was 26/1 in 1992, 35/1 in 1999 and 18/1 in 2006. Culter Cleveland did a study of US EROI and stated that in 1930's it was 100/1, 1970 it was 30/1 and in 2000 it was 11/1. As we can see the EROI is falling which produces less NET ENERGY for market. The Peaking of Oil is bad enough, but the falling EROI will make a bad situation much worse.
The only thing keeping the United States alive is the ILLUSION of the value of the US DOLLAR. This is why Derivatives have played such an important role keeping money out of commodities and into worthless financial products (i.e. Annuities, Bonds, Treasuries, 401k's, CD's and etc). The day the US TREASURY MARKET CRACKS, is the day the price of commodities head toward the moon. This will also be the final nail the kills the US SUBURBAN LEECH and SPEND ECONOMY.
I didn't put this information in to PREACH or BORE you or the reader of your blog, but to warn others that there are more SMOKE and MIRRORS going on than the DWH disaster.
I enjoy your work and hope the truth get's out sooner than later.
BK Lim.....yes, using the 26/1 ratio means for every 1 dollar of energy cost, in 1992, the world got 26 dollars of energy for market. When the United States was finding oil like water in the 1930's, the oil industry was supplying 100 dollars of energy for every 1 dollar invested. In 2000 it was 11/1. I imagine today it must be somewhere between 5-7/1. This is indeed the problem facing the United States. And the reason why I believe they have backed BP on this GOM disaster.
Hall used a linear extrapolation of the 26/1-35/1-18/1 chart and plotted that the GLOBAL EROI would reach 1/1 by 2035. Which means, you get 1 dollar of oil for every dollar invested....a zero sum game. They also stipulated that an advanced society needs at least a 3/1 EROI to survive, but higher if you want all the modern necessities of life. You now see the problem we are facing?
Again.....I appreciate you information as it makes sense why BP and the US has hid this from the public. I can almost see their motiviation....but don't agree with the coverup.
BK Lim, I believe the United States will not see a 2012 presidential election. It will disintegrate just like the former USSR did in 1989. Over extended and indebted to the moon. The big difference between the USSR and USA, the USSR only consumed 3 mbd of oil in their economy and could export 6-7 million. The USA only produces about 6 mbd and needs to import about 12-13 to run its SUBURBAN LEECH and SPEND ECONOMY....a lopsided situation indeed.
Well...enough of my ranting.....look forward to more info
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I found your economic info interesting, Steve. ..even though off-topic - it's in a way ..on-topic.. as part of the deceit.
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LOL BK - Here is a repost for Steve also - posted it wrong thread. That's what I get for posting so early in the morning.
BK, Steve:
From your comments I thought you might be interested in the interview Jim Puplava – Financialsense.com did with Nicole Foss (theautomaticearth) on this weekends financial sense newshour. Very worthwhile for those who believe our energy, financial, economic structure is about to undergo a dramatic transformation.
small excerpt:
And I think over the next few years, finance is going to rewrite the energy debate. Which is not to say that, you know, I in any way deny peak oil. Obviously, I think peak oil is a fact, is a given, but I think that the way finance is going to interact with peak oil is absolutely critical. And I would say though that you can look at peak oil in two ways, you can look at the finances of peak oil, which is what I used to do at The Oil Drum when I was editor at The Oil Drum Canada, and what the whole Oil Drum site has always done, you can also look at it as a phenomenon of human herding behavior, which is completely divorced from the science, this is people’s perception of oil supply, of relative scarcity versus glut.
And if you look at the price maximums, the price maximums of oil are driven by perception. Those are not necessarily reflective of the science at any given time. And I was saying at the time when we saw oil at $147 a barrel my view was, our view at The Auotmatic Earth was that we were about to see oil prices fall off a cliff, because of what was about to happen in finance, and that’s exactly in fact what happened.
And I think the runup we’ve had secondarily, I think we’re going to see the same kind of thing, I think oil prices are going to fall a long way because we’re going to see demand fall as we move into depression. But demand collapse is going to set up a supply collapse. While it buys you time initially, so that finance is the driver not so much energy supply, because you still have energy supply geared to a previous higher level of demand, so that really will drastically undercut price support. However moving forward, low prices are likely to mean no investment, no exploration, no drilling, no maintenance, and all of these things are going to set up a supply collapse a few years down the line.
So what financial crisis does, while it buys you time initially, it aggravates the situation with peak oil in the longer term…...
end of excerpt.
BK Lim
To expand on your take a little bit - how convenient there was another blow out to cover up the amount of oil being dumped into the gulf. I wouldn't put it past them for "new" major leaks to occur to account for the oil & plumbs that just keep giving and giving and giving.
You are correct - eventually it will enter the gulf stream, the Atlantic and kill all in its wake.
This is in my view going to eventually become evident to anyone who cares to see it for what it really is.
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Just wanted to add a comment to your remark: This disaster is only one of the major battles in the War between Right Vs Wrong
Of late sadly to say in this country we are seeing the triumph of evil over good in all areas of our lives, be it govt, corporations, markets, you name it. I never thought I would live to see this day.
But I have. It's a horrible example of what money does to people when it becomes their "god" - the end justifying the means for everything they do.
When you get the power of the entire world in the hands of the few power mongers, BP's of the world proliferate, like cockroaches in a kitchen.
So your few words are telling us there's a scary world ahead of us.
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"Fintan - I also want to ask One Question only......
Did you steal Tuttlet's chart?"
Did you steal Tuttlet's chart?"
Tuttlet himself confirms what happened
in this post he made on Doomers forum:
in this post he made on Doomers forum:
“Alex’s site gave the correct linking at the
time, but Fintan was unable to follow the link
due to problems with the forum.”
time, but Fintan was unable to follow the link
due to problems with the forum.”
Around then, Doomers forum was having service outages of up to half a day at a time, as is clear from other posts on the forum itself.
Another poorly researched troll “fact”…..
Nice cult. Have fun.
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heheh............. finton, you never answered me?............ how much BP money funds the words that come out of your keyboard?
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you darn well we won't............... just as BP will never 'answer' either. alas.............
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Mr BK Lim
I stumbled on this site. Excellent work. A lot of information. Interesting. Different. Will read articles now. Thank you.
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If you can understand the data then you should understand the point BK is making. Understand these two are your only comments since joining NV. A bit strange isn't? Why don't you educate yourself first by reading BK's other posting. Maybe then you'll understand the point. The points are very clear to the rest of us readers.
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The original post and forum can be found at this link